Sunday, February 13, 2011

Crunch Time

Wednesday at 9PM is the deadline for all things for the first half of the program to be finished. I almost finished my first paper today. I only have to write 300-400 more words and I will be completely finished of it. Monday and tuesday I will be writing my other 2500-3000 word paper. Wednesday until 9PM I will be working on the other two short essays that I have to write. It should be tight, but if I am efficient then it will all be finished on time and be of a good level of quality.

Also it is my birthday tomorrow.

On a strange unrelated note I have been testing out IE9 and it seems surprisingly good so far. It has been a long time since I have used internet explorer and this likely won't change me from chrome, but it is worth noting that internet explorer actually isn't horrible.

Goals for tomorrow:
-finish shakespeare paper
-write 1000-1500 words in drama paper