It is already the end of my first week in England. Kind of hard to believe, but I am sure that time slipping by will be a common theme of the trip. I was planning on doing a blog post for every day, but that didn't happen, so in an attempt to get back onto that track I will summarize my first week up until now and highlight all of the cool parts.
First thing that stands out in my mind was being sworn in at the Bodleian library. It was funny because we had to promise not to kindle fire in the library, which I guess would have been a problem back when people used candles, but now it just seems to be there for history's sake and for a bit of comedy. The buildings in the Bodleian library are amazing! Enough cannot be said.
Taking the train to get to Oxford is a new experience. It is nice to be able to have a way to get places if you don't have a car (which is a topic I could discuss at length - they drive fast here). I have figured out how the train system works and also I have a pretty good idea for where all of the essential places are located.
Classes have been interesting so far. It isn't exactly what I expected and it almost feels like they are shoving us into whatever corner of space that is available, but I am studying at Oxford so I will try not to complain too much. As far as the actual classes go, a lot of it is discussion based so it is nothing too different from my communications courses.
Today we went to the Ashmolean museum and saw a lot of neat things there, but sadly the Egypt section is closed until November while they build a time machine or something. The rest of the week so far has been fairly standard and quite frankly I forget a lot of the specifics (part of why I wanted to blog everyday). Overall, I would consider England: Week 1 a success.
Things to look forward to:
-progressive lunch!
Stay tuned for more exciting adventures, and hopefully consistent blog posts so I can remember what I have done over here whenever I am older!